Lateinischer Name: Alcedo atthis
Scientific name: Alcedo atthis
Für viele Menschen ist der Eisvogel der schönste Vogel überhaupt. Ich zähle mich auch dazu, denn seit meiner ersten Begegnung fasziniert mich diese Art ausserordentlich. Ein Grund für diese Faszination ist sicher auch, dass die meisten Menschen gar nicht wissen, dass bei uns in Mitteleuropa ein so farbenprächtiger Vogel existiert. Wenn man ihn zum ersten Mal entdeckt hat, häufig wohl mit der Hilfe einer anderen Person, die bereits weiss, wie man diese eleganten Flieger entdecken kann, dann bleibt dies ein Erlebnis und eine Erinnerung für alle Zeiten.
For many people kingfishers are the most beautiful birds of all. I count myself among them, because this species has fascinated me extraordinarily since my first encounter. One reason for this fascination is certainly that most people do not even know that such a colourful bird exists in Central Europe. When you discover it for the first time, often with the help of another person who already knows how to discover these elegant fliers, it remains an experience and a memory for all times.
Seit meiner ersten Begegnung am 11. Mai 2013 sind einige Jahre vergangen. Damals folgte ich auf einem engen Pfad im Wald den Spuren von heimischen Wildtieren. Plötzlich sah ich aus dem Augenwinkel etwas blau glänzendes wegfliegen. Eine Ahnung hatte ich schon, aber der Ort mitten im Wald passte nicht so richtig. Trotzdem nahm ich mir etwas Zeit und wartete. Und er kam wieder. Denn, wie sich herausstellte, stand ich direkt vor seiner Bruthöhle, die sich im Wurzelwerk eines umgestürzten Baumes befand. Sie war gut geschützt durch den direkt darunter fliessenden Bach, der auch mich auf Distanz hielt.
Some years have passed since my first encounter on May 11, 2013. Back then I followed the tracks of native wild animals on a narrow path in the forest. Suddenly I saw something shiny blue flying away from the corner of my eye. I already had a feeling, but the place in the middle of the forest did not really fit. Nevertheless I took some time and waited. And he came back. Because, as it turned out, I was standing right in front of his breeding cave, which was in the root system of a fallen tree. It was well protected by the stream flowing directly below, which also kept me at a distance.
Ich setzte mich ganz in der Nähe auf einen anderen umgefallenen Baum und wartete mit der Kamera im Anschlag darauf, ein Foto zu machen. Die beiden Vögel kamen dauernd angeflogen, schienen aber sehr aufgeregt zu sein. Da realisierte ich, dass ich einen grossen Fehler machte: Ich störte sie bei der Fütterung ihrer Jungtiere! Also zog ich mich umgehend zurück und überlegte mir zuhause, was meine Möglichkeiten waren. Schliesslich kam ich auf die Idee, ein Tarnnetz zu kaufen. Eine Woche später war ich wieder am selben Ort, diesmal "unsichtbar". Und tatsächlich: Die Eisvögel hatten keine Angst mehr, schienen mich nicht zu bemerken. Und so konnte ich die ersten schönen Fotos dieser Tierart machen.
I sat down on another fallen tree nearby and waited with the camera in my hand to take a picture. The two birds kept coming, but seemed to be very nervous. That was when I realized that I was making a big mistake: I disturbed them while feeding their young! So I withdrew immediately and thought about my options at home. Finally I had the idea to buy a camouflage net. One week later I was again at the same place, this time "invisible". And indeed, the kingfishers were no longer afraid, seemed not to notice me at all. And so I could take the first beautiful photos of this species.
Bruthöhlen des Eisvogels
Breeding holes of the kingfisher
Einer der Bachläufe, wo ich regelmässig Eisvögel antreffe
One of the creeks where I often encounter kingfishers
Unterdessen kenne ich einige Orte in der näheren Umgebung meines Wohnortes, wo ich fast garantiert Eisvögel antreffe. Oft reicht es, mich unter dem Tarnüberwurf an den Rand eines Gewässers zu setzen und ein paar Minuten zu warten. So konnte ich mir mit der Zeit auch fotografisch schöne Stellen auswählen, die je nach Tageszeit nicht nur Fotos mit einem Eisvogel auf einem Ast ermöglichen, sondern auch das Einbeziehen eines attraktiven Hintergrundes.
Meanwhile I know some places in the vicinity of my home where I am almost guaranteed to meet kingfishers. Often it is enough to sit down at the edge of a water body under the camouflage cover and wait a few minutes. This way I was able to choose photographically beautiful places over time, which, depending on the time of day, not only allow me to take photos with a kingfisher on a branch, but also to include an attractive background.
Die Eisvögel haben einige spezielle Eigenschaften, die sie von vielen anderen Vogelarten unterscheiden und gerade auch deshalb bei der Fotografie hilfreich sind:
Kingfishers have some special characteristics that distinguish them from many other bird species and for this very reason these are helpful in photography.
Das ist ganz einfach, wenn man nicht sehr weit entfernt ist: Die untere Hälfte des Schnabels ist bei den Weibchen rot/orange, bei den Männchen hingegen schwarz.
Auch das ist ganz einfach: Bei den Jungtieren sind die Füsse schwarz, bei den erwachsenen Eisvögeln hingegen rot.
This is quite easy if you are not very far away: The lower half of the beak is red/orange in the females, but black in the males.
This is also very simple: the feet of young birds are black, whereas the feet of adult kingfishers are red.
Das folgende Portfolio zeigt einige meiner Favoriten oder einfach Fotos, die mit einem tollen Erlebnis verbunden sind. Weitere Aufnahmen zeigen ein typisches Verhalten.
The following portfolio shows some of my favourites or simply photos that are connected to a great moment. Other pictures show a typical behaviour.
My first good shot of a kingfisher. Sitting under the camouflage net I waited since dawn for it to appear. Suddenly a male sat down on a branch about two meters away. He was not impressed by the shutter release, so there was enough time to take about thirty shots.
After the extended flooding this summer, the kingfishers are finally breeding. The male is constantly hunting for food. I read on the Internet that both partners are breeding, but during a whole morning I could see only the male outside the breeding cave. After each capture it sits down briefly on one of the branches left behind by the flooding before it flies to the breeding cave and disappears into it in a blink of an eye. I hope to bring home photos of the whole family sometime soon.
Interesting information that was shared with me: My observation that only the male feeds could be a so-called overlapping brood. According to Wikipedia, there is a temporal overlap of two broods. While one brood is not yet fledged, the female mates again, lays eggs and starts breeding again. The first brood is brought up by the male alone. A prerequisite for successful overlapping of broods is a very favorable food supply.
After I had discovered the breeding cave of a pair of kingfishers by chance, I bought a camouflage net for myself and a camouflage cover for my telephoto lens. After that I only had to wait a few minutes and the two kingfishers presented themselves in close proximity. In the picture, one of my first photos of this species, the female is shown, recognizable by the red stripe at the bottom of her beak. By the way, it is easy to notice when a kingfisher is approaching: its whistling is very easy to recognize.
Bereits wenige Minuten, nachdem ich mich in der Nähe der Bruthöhle unter dem Tarnnetz platziert hatte, kam das Weibchen mit Futter für den Nachwuchs angeflogen. Die Bruthöhlen sind nicht einsehbar, deshalb habe ich keine Ahnung, wie dieser grosse Fisch seinen Weg in die Mägen der Jungvögel fand.
I had not been with the kingfishers for quite some time. Today I finally took the time for it again. The weather was rather unstable, the water level was pretty high. Accordingly I got very dirty and wet, could hardly reach the site despite fishing boots. And the first three hours I only saw a short blue flash from far away. But then things started, the two birds sat almost all the time near me and I could take some nice photos and videos.
In a single morning I saw seven kingfishers, at least five different individuals. During about two of the three available hours I had seen a kingfisher sitting in front of me. This photo was taken when he sat down on a fallen tree above the stream some five meters away.
And another picture of this kingfisher on the same branch because I like it so much.
A real stroke of luck is this photo: I was already on my way home on my bike when I discovered a kingfisher in the bushes. When I stopped, it flew away immediately. So I had time to unpack my camouflage cover and placed myself directly on the bank of the river. A little later it appeared again and sat down on a branch directly above me, lingered for a moment and then flew one tree further so that I could take this photo.
Only with some experience did I realize that kingfishers do not spend a large part of the day hunting for food, but simply hang around someplace. At times they sit in bushes or on trees, but more often they are very close to the ground. Common to the sitting areas is that the kingfishers are well protected, because as blue as the animals flash in flight, as well their plumage disappears in the green of the surroundings when they are not moving. This is the reason why they are often overlooked.
For once in the evening, to use the best light of the day, I was able to take a lot of photos during approach and emergence from the water. This male called for the female, who was sitting very close by. For about ten minutes I could listen to them talking at a distance of about six meters. Unfortunately I still miss the moment of the handing over of the bridal gift.
Rather seldom do the kingfishers I have been able to observe sit on stones. For this male the flight to the next branch might have been too strenuous after he had caught two fish.
If you observe the kingfishers long enough, you learn a lot about their behaviour. Typical is, for example, that they sit on a branch directly above the water and in the foreseeable future dive almost directly below it for a fish. Accordingly, you can focus the lens on this area and hope that they will be in focus when they dive in or out.
This female sat down on a branch very close by and probably watched with pleasure how I did not like sitting in the rain either. Here too, you can see how well the birds are camouflaged by the leaves that were washed up during the last flood.
For such photos, one can again take advantage of the fact that kingfishers often fly to the same branch. Here I focused long in advance and only pressed the shutter release when it was approaching in the most beautiful evening light. The rest is a matter of luck, of course, and results in hundreds of pictures to sort out at home.
The kingfisher regularly sat on his favourite branch in the middle of the stream. Thanks to its closeness to the water, there was always a beautiful reflection. It was almost unbelievable when I was able to watch him diving in and out of this branch six times in a row, usually with a successful catch.
Diving in and out is often the first thing you notice about a kingfisher because it is quite loud. If you are lucky, after many unsuccessful attempts, you may be able to get a reasonably sharp picture of it.
As with all birds, the care of the feathers is part of the regular ritual of kingfishers. Thanks to the backlight, you can see every single feather.
After last year's sharp decline in the number of kingfishers, probably due to the summer floods, I finally found them again in recent weeks. Up to four blue flashes drew their circles at the same time and tried to mark their territories. Only one, however, the place deer namely, sits down regularly and also for a longer time on the fallen tree, which is very weathered over the years.
Strongly exposed, this male uses the good view of his territory. But this morning I was also successful in other ways and for the first time ever saw a beaver ashore. And then a buzzard sat down on a branch directly above me. A fulfilling day, I'd say.
After observing two kingfishers at a location new to me, I took a morning off to devote myself to them. I was in the area for a little over three hours and was lucky enough to observe it four times during that period. Again and again he came back to the same branches in the stream and also next to them, apparently to recover from the hunt. So I could take many nice photos of him.
Fish are the main meal of kingfishers. After catching them, they lie crosswise in the beak, after which they sometimes struggle for minutes until the prey has reached the direction of swallowing and disappears unprocessed in the gullet.
Almost two years after my latest viewing of a river kingfisher in the area of the Rohrer Schachen near Aarau I was riding my bike home when I discovered a kingfisher about to change its seating place along the Aare river. So I stopped and got off my bike, got under the camouflage. Shortly after I realized that there were three kingfishers who dived into the river almost non stop just in front of me. Just after each dive they retuned to some branch nearby. Once that branch was just above me. That is when I took this picture.
Manchmal nehme ich mir gleich ein paar Tage frei und versuche während dieser Zeit, die unterschiedlichen Verhaltensweisen der Tiere selber zu lernen und auch auf Fotos zu verewigen. Dabei mache ich auch immer öfters kurze Filme. Einige davon können nachfolgend angeschaut werden.
Sometimes I take a few days off and try during this time to learn the different behaviour of the animals and to capture it on photos. I also make short films more and more often. Some of them can be watched below.
Eisvogel taucht in Bach ein, um sich einen Fisch zu fangen - ohne Erfolg
Kingfisher dives into a stream to catch a fish - unsuccessfully
Der Eisvogel versucht, den gefangenen Fisch so in den Schnabel zu drehen, dass er ihn schlucken kann. Ganz am Schluss sieht man die Schluckbewegung und das typische Schütteln des Kopfes
The kingfisher tries to twist the caught fish into its beak so that it can swallow it. At the very end you can see the swallowing movement and the typical shaking of the head
Eine weitere Aufnahme des schwierigen Schluckens eines quer im Schnabel liegenden Fisches
Another recording of the difficult swallowing of a fish lying crosswise in its beak
Häufig wechseln die Eisvögel nach dem Eintauchen auf einen anderen Ansitz
Often, the kingfishers change to another hide after the plunge
Manchmal sitzen sie einfach nur da und schauen um sich
Sometimes they just sit there and spy around
Etwas Eitelkeit spielt da schon mit, wenn sich ein Eisvogel fast drei Minuten lang putzt
A little vanity is involved when a kingfisher cleans himself for almost three minutes
Wichtig ist mir zum Schluss noch zu betonen, dass man während eines Aufenthalts in der Natur auch Rücksicht auf die nicht als Motiv vorgesehenen Pflanzen und Tiere nehmen muss. So bewege ich mich nicht nur der Umwelt zuliebe ausschliesslich mit dem Fahrrad oder zu Fuss, sondern schaue auch sehr genau darauf, wo ich hintrete und dass ich während der Fotografie keine bleibenden Spuren im Gebiet hinterlasse.
Leider gibt es aber Fotografen, die zwar wirklich eindrückliche Fotos vom Eintauchen eines Eisvogels ins Wasser zeigen, in den meisten Fällen werden dafür aber leider Aquarien mit kleinen Fischen als Köder im Wasser platziert. Die sich unter oder knapp über Wasser befindliche Kamera wird mittels einer Lichtschranke ausgelöst. Dabei gibt es dokumentierte Fälle, wo sich die Vögel beim Eintauchen verletzt haben. Solches Verhalten durch Fotografen finde ich inakzeptabel und habe in den sozialen Medien auch schon Leute darauf angesprochen.
Finally, it is important to me to emphasize that during a stay in nature, one must also take into consideration the plants and animals that are not intended as motives. For the sake of the environment, I do not only move by bike or on foot, but also look very carefully at where I am going and make sure that I do not leave any lasting traces in the area during my photography.
Unfortunately, there are photographers who take really impressive pictures of a kingfisher diving into the water, but in most cases they place aquariums with small fish as bait in the stream. The camera, which is under or just above water, is triggered by a light barrier. There are documented cases where the birds have injured themselves while diving into the water. I find such behaviour by photographers unacceptable and have already addressed people about it in the social media.
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